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Recommended Objection Points


We've listed some key objection points below to help you with ideas for your objection letters. Go to our How to Object page for details on where to send. If you want hints on how to layout your letter go to our Objection Letters Page.



· Overstone is a small ‘ribbon’ development of only 750 residents and a housing development on this scale will quite literally increase it by a third in size and impact on its’ infrastructure accordingly i.e. Shops, schools etc.


· There will only be one road/track (Church Lane) leading to or from the ‘new estate’and with the potential for 150+ cars having to turn onto an already busy Sywell Road (with restricted visibility turning East towards Sywell) opposite Overstone Primary School, is a recipe for disaster.


· There is absolutely no requirement for a development of this or any other size within the village of Overstone.


· Daventry District Council has already met its obligations in the five year supply of deliverable housing sites, which in the main is down to the 3500 houses due to be built on the Overstone Leys and Overstone Green developments.


· Any new housing in such close proximity to the hall will clearly have an impact on it’s rural location and is not in keeping with the Parkland setting of the Hall and as a result would detract from this setting*


· Barry Howard Homes (BHH_ are claiming that to redevelop the Hall to their proposed specification, they will need to find £20 million pounds to do so. The building of 60 houses will in no way yield enough profits to cover this amount and (in our opinion) will barely be sufficient to complete a quarter of the proposed renovation.**


· The thin end of the wedge—If this application is recommended for approval then clearly it leaves the remaining portion of the Church Farm Fields open to more ‘speculative’ planning applications and BHH will potentially achieve their initial target of 200+ homes, via the ‘back door’.


· 'Enabling development is akin to a type of public funding. The essential difference is that the community pays in kind which is converted to cash, rather than cash itself. On this premise alone we the people of Overstone are helping to fund this project with no discernable payback to the community i.e. no public access to the Hall, no extra amenities, no improved infrastucture etc





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